Postgraduate students and research fellows

ICYTAC’s members include postgraduate students and researchers selected by CONICET’s Fellowship Programs, an initiative for young Argentine and foreign university graduates who want to pursue their PhD studies and conduct postdoctoral research work. Doctoral and postdoctoral fellows play a key role in the structure of research groups led by senior researchers. Their work guarantees the continuity of a system that has proven to contribute valuable advancements to science in Argentina and the rest of the world, and it has also had beneficial impacts on a myriad of areas in peoples’ everyday lives.

At present, the following fellows are part of ICYTAC:

Doctoral fellows

Ansoar R, Yadira
Antón, Micaela

Bence, Renata 

Bertola, Agustina

Cortés, Paula

Carrillo P., Esteban

Bustamante B., Alejandra

López, Paloma L.

López, Ma. Soledad

Morales, David

Monsierra, Luisina

Rodríguez, Marianela

Salgado, Mauricio

Postdoctoral fellows

Araníbar V., Carolina

Bongianino, Nicolás F.

Bordón, M. Gabriela

Navarro, José

Piloni, Roxana

Teobaldi, Andrés

Arrieta, Ezequiel

The continuity of many current projects is under threat. Unfortunately, the current government has decided to stop funding the Argentine scientific system on false grounds of inefficiency and/or uselessness. Consequently, the number of positions for the current period was significantly reduced. This situation, together with the savage budget cuts, has had a negative impact on approved or current projects. It is equally alarming that the prospects of new calls for upcoming years remain uncertain.