Dr. Alicia Aguirre

Contact: aaguirre@agro.unc.edu.ar

Researcher and professor – National University of Córdoba

Profesora Adjunta. Applied Chemistry. Full-time position.  Department of Chemistry. School of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, National University of Córdoba Córdoba. 

PhD degree in Agricultural Sciences. School of Agricultural Sciences. National University of Córdoba. Master of Science in Chemistry.  The University of Akron. Akron, OH. EEUU.  Biochemist. School of Chemical Sciences. National University of Córdoba.

Topic of research: Development of bio-based food packaging material

Areas: Engineering and Food Technology. Development of bio-based food packaging materials. Study of conservation span and shelf life of packaged food products.

Driven by the growing demand for minimally processed and safe packaged food, along with the need for sustainable solutions, research on developing active biodegradable packaging has gained momentum.

Recent publications (last five years):